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NoBody Is Perfect!!!!! We R NoBody!!!!!

Our Class

There are 26 students in our class. out of 26, 13 are boys and 13 are girls. Our class have most number of prefects. And also the school captain, school vice captain, and head prefect all are in our class. 
Here are the names of the students of our class::..

  1. Abdulla Allam
  2. Abdulla Ashraf
  3. Ahmed Shabeel
  4. Ahmed Shuhaibaan
  5. Ahmed Yoosuf
  6. Ali Miuyaas
  7. Ali Nafaah
  8. Ibrahim Saajidh
  9. Mohamed Ibthishaam
  10. Mohamed Ismail
  11. Mohamed Muneer
  12. Mohamed Rimaah
  13. Mohamed Solah
  1. Aishath Baasimath
  2. Aaminath Eesa
  3. Aiminath Nasha
  4. Fathmath Saadha
  5. Haleemath Rizna
  6. Hawwa Ali
  7. Hawwa Ihma
  8. Hawwa Rashaadh
  9. Khadheeja Adam
  10. Khadheeja Shazra
  11. Nasreena Dhaoodh
  12. Raasikha Mohamed
  13. Ubaidha Thooba
More Information and Pictures will be uploaded as soon as we get them.